Welcome to the shop

Thank you for visiting! My work focuses on utilizing recycled and found material in order to give them new life as functional objects for the home. These objects shouldn’t just sit on the shelf, they’re meant to be enjoyed, handled, and age lovingly over time.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

About SCC

ScottCarlCreations is the brainchild of Scott Collins, an accomplished woodworker and local artist living in Richmond, VA. Scott is a BFA graduate of the furniture design program at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and works professionally in the commercial woodworking industry. As a lifelong maker, Scott is always looking for creative ways to produce interesting and functional pieces for others to enjoy.


A selection of recent pieces. Please inquire about sales or custom commissions. All items available unless otherwise marked.

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Contact me

I don’t keep a phone in the wood shop. Between the rockin’ jams and the power tools, it’s not a great place for talking on the phone. If you’re interested in buying any of the pieces you see on this site or on my Instagram feed, please go to Facebook,  or email me.